Monday, April 27, 2020

The value of a true friend.                             5/30/12
Although I am 70 and my body is beginning to fall apart, my mind is still clear and sharp. Some friends would smile and tease that my mind left a LONG time ago and that is the enduring sign of a true friend. In the last 2 years I have had more debilitating health issues and it has been increasingly hard to do daily hygiene and apartment maintenance cleaning. I won’t even go into grocery shopping or preparing daily meals. Being an overachiever, independent, athletic, fashionista is NOT the 1st thing that would come to mind if you saw me today. Having been a single parent of 4 taught me all about confidence, strength, and independence. Asking for help never entered my mind and being weak was NOT an option.
Yesterday, I had to face another “new normal’ and asked a valued friend to help me shop for pants. I order most things online and have it shipped, but not pants and shoes.  My “special friend” Christmas Carole began this dreaded day by gifting me with 8 large bottles of my favorite V8 Infusion Peach Mango juice. They are very very heavy and she not only shopped but carried them up my 14 stairs “just to be thoughtful.” Since I have to carry/drag am oxygen tank and have degenerating osteoarthritis, this was a beautiful gift and an awesome surprise.
Carole blessed me with grace and mercy and was so thoughtful and patient as she pushed me from store to store in a wheelchair. I no longer have a body type that fits most clothes. I have evolved into what can stretch over new lumps, bumps and steroid-induced fluffy and puffy weight gain. Most days I can handle my new normal health and body changes but today I felt discouraged and down. I felt embarrassed and defeated. I felt humiliated and sad that I had gone downhill so fast. Being in public can be difficult and stressful at times when you feel handicapped and limited.
Carole blessed me with understanding, patience, affection, and a wonderfully positive attitude. As the hours went by my energy level diminished. I didn’t even have the energy to struggle trying on clothes anymore and Carole bent down and graciously helped me get dressed. She glowed with understanding and patience. She allowed me to feel sad and discouraged…while blessing me with such a positive atmosphere. Carole became my blessing from God and her servant’s heart offered me a safe atmosphere to face and grieve my losses, not to focus on negative changes and to accept her loving assistance.
Carole and I chose to work with what we were given that day and the love of God turned a difficult growth day into a powerful day of love and acceptance. We celebrated by drooling over desserts from The Cheesecake Factory and lots of silly laughter. Faith in God and fellowshipping with my friend Carole turned my “new normal” ´health and body change into an “I can handle this today.”
I challenge you to offer a friend or even a stranger what Carole offered me. “YOU” have the power to help a person through a difficult time in their life. YOU have the power to help them focus on “what IS important” and not on what society makes us believe is important.
Living in Color With God

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